El grillo cantor.

My mother used to listen to a kids radio station while making breakfast. In that time pretty much of the children's músic was very classic, so every morning I was listening to Cri Cri.
Everyone knows Cri Cri but not the human being who created him, his name was Francisco Gabilondo Soler and I remember his músic like a part of my childhood. Although he was born in the first years of the XX Century and I was born in the nineties I really related to him when he was talking about how it was to grow up in a small town. I can say that I had a wonderful childhood, I used to climb trees and all the things XX's kids did.
I usually sing some Cri Cri songs with my son before he sleeps, he likes them a lot, it sounds like a Disney orchest and in fact Walt Disney wanted to buy the copyright of his songs and he just said "I can't do that because this is a legacy for the mexican children's".
And how right he was.


  1. También crecí con cricri . Y me encanta tu reflexión. Creo que la mayoría de los niños y niñas de los 90s nos sentíamos así.

  2. In my childrenhood, I was listen cri cri too, at school.
    Thanks for remembering us his songs.

  3. Es difícil imaginar la infancia de un niño mexicano que haya vivido sin escuchar alguna canción de Cri-Cri.
    Para todos los que hemos escuchado una canción de él, experimentamos un ancla que nos hace revivir algún momento de nuestra infancia. Bueno, al menos me pasa a mí.


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